Saturday, November 27, 2010

law and order situation

Law and order situation is not good in Pakistan.The
Government of current Government  has no control over the terrorism activities.Karachi specially a victims of terrorism almost every day people are killed over there,    
How these issues can be resolve??????????????


  1. these issued can be solved when our government and securities agancies are sincere to this country. otherwise there is no way to solve this problem. one other way is that if president of pakistan completly sold our country to amercia and go home. if he didnt do this than i am sure that next goverment will do this.

  2. No. i think that these situations can only be handle if we do acountabilty of our ownselves..
    Abiding by laws of our country,is the responsibilty of every individual of our nation.
    we as a nation are just blamers. we ourselve do nothing and blame others for our own bad deeds.
    if at all this Govt. is doing wrong,the question is who has selected this Govt.? Our ownself. so guys its time to awake and do the good things starting from our ownself....

  3. The provincial goveronment can solve the issue very easily only if they want to.
